
Sunday, June 27, 2010

One Year Old and Wiser Too!!

Our sweet little baby is growing up!! It's hard to believe that our hairless, toothless, but OH SO SWEET Kaitlyn just turned one! Her excitement for life and her darling little squeals of laughter are very rewarding as parents.

She is getting to be VERY active and EXTREMELY curious about everything (especially the things that she sees her parents using like the laptop, cellphone, and books). We sometimes wonder why we have so many toys for her when a crumpled piece of junk mail, a measuring cup, or an empty box is so much more captivating.

As first-time parents, we have been very careful about what we feed Kaitlyn. Because of this, she has not been introduced to sweets. . . until her BIRTHDAY!! Hopefully, we have not ruined her green bean-loving taste buds forever!!
She's starting to get the idea that the creamy white frosting is going to taste YUM-M-M-Y!!

Her FIRST BITE!! She looks kind of scared, doesn't she?

But then she couldn't get enough!! One tiny piece of cake = a baby sugar high!!

She loved all of the attention (and it didn't seem to bother her too much that we had a thunderstorm that took out many trees in the area along with our power). Thanks to everyone who made this day so special for her!!


  1. Cute post and cute blog! Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!

  2. I can totally see you in the top picture of her. Love it! Ked loves green beans too--prefers them to most fruit. Enjoy that she is still toothless! Ked is trying to bite me as I write this, and it can HURT!

  3. Oh Jenny! What a precious little girl!! I don't blog much myself, but i am glad to see you are doing well and will come check in on you every once in a while!

  4. I'm so happy you FINALLY have a blog! Now I can keep bothering you to update it :).

    And how in the world did you go an entire year without giving your baby sweets? Did you not eat any, either? That's impressive!

  5. Jenny! Kaitlyn is to DIE for!! She is just too adorable!! I'm so glad you got a blog because I am a total blog stalker. :) I don't always comment but I pretty much read every post, as my google reader keeps me informed! ha ha ha Good to hear from you and keep the post up! I'm excited to hear more about what's going on with you

  6. WOO-HOO!!! Can you tell that I'm super excited over here that you started a blog!?!? HOORAY! Now I get to see you ANYTIME I WANT TO! :)

    We're happy to hear Kaitlyn had such a fun birthday-those picture with her and the cake are darling-love those face expressions!!

    Keep Blogging!! Looking forward to hanging out Tuesday!!! XOXO And partying MORE with Kaitlyn soon!!!

  7. Toooooo cute! I can't believe how big she is! Jae turns 1 on the 7th.. crazy!!

  8. Jenny Anne! So glad you got a blog! You will need to post often and keep us updated on everything! When is #2 coming along! :)

    Kaitlyn is beautiful! Don't worry about will come eventually!

  9. Did you play the Sucrose song after she got her sugar high? :) She's a cutie.

  10. Yea, hurray. You got a blog. Now I can keep up with you life. That is awesome that this was her first taste of sweets; good job. She is a cutie!!! I think Anna will look the same way on her 1st birthday, hairless. She has your eyes.

  11. Fun blog! I'm happy to hear from you and see pictures.

  12. What a cute hobbit! Glad she had a fun birthday!
